
The team

VISIONKER is consists of ophthalmologists and optometrists with a high degree of specialization in the different ocular pathologies, all of them with an excellent professional and scientific path. Our mission is to provide a personalized and effective solution to the visual problems of our patients, create and consolidate a national center of excellence in the prevention and cure of eye diseases and in the application of new treatments.

Dr. Jose Isidro Belda

Especialista en Glaucoma, cataratas, cirugía refractiva (miopía, hipermetropía, astigmatismo y presbicia).

Dra. Eva María Salinas

Especialista en Retina médica. Degeneración macular. Retinopatía diabética. Uveítis

Dr. José Ruiz Colechá

Especialista en Oculoplástica (cirugía palpebral / vías lagrimales), cirugía de cataratas, córnea y superficie ocular.

Dra. Claudia Tarazona Jaimes

Especialista en oftalmología infantil y Estrabismo. Especialista en córnea y superficie ocular. Cirugía de cataratas.

Dr. Javier Placeres Daban

Especialista en Retina médica y quirúrgica. Cirugía de Cataratas.

Always at your service

Ask us for an appointment

Our team of professionals will be pleased to study your case and apply the most appropriate care and treatment according to your needs.